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Bamford: "The goals will start coming again, I’m sure."

Patrick Bamford is confident that he will start scoring goals for Norwich, as they try to survive staying in the Premier League.

Bamford, who made his first ever Premier League start last week against Man City, impressed as a lone striker but is confident the goals will come for him. His pre-January spell at Crystal Palace was a failure, with Alan Pardew mismanaging the young striker, but he has put that all behind him with an impressive display against title contenders Man City.

“It’s like a vicious circle,” said Bamford. “If you don’t play and then you don’t take your chances because you’re not sharp, then you’re not going to play again. So you need that run of games to get that sharpness back – and then the goals will start coming again, I’m sure.”

“To be fair, all I can see from all the players is a determination not to let it happen,” he added. “No-one wants to get relegated and there is that drive to not let it happen, and everyone in the team is heading towards that.”

“Saturday was the loudest I’ve heard it since I’ve been here,” Bamford added. “The crowd were really with us and that helps. It drives the team on. When you’re tired and then you hear that roar, it almost gives you that extra self belief and it can be helpful."

“I’ve been booed a lot before when I’ve come here, so it was nice to have them supporting me and get that nice ovation at the end.”

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